From Smart Factory Automation to Digital Twin Standard: Ushering a New Era for Design and Manufacturing

Michael Ford, and Hemant Shah
Aegis Software, Cadence
Skill Level
The new IPC Digital Twin standard (IPC-2551) defines an interoperable framework in which thousands of applications from multiple sources work seamlessly together, providing the opportunity for virtual prototyping of all aspects of design, manufacturing and beyond. Use of IPC-2551 prevents companies in all areas of the industry from making the mistake of tying themselves to any monopolistic data exchange technology. The impact of the IPC Digital Twin on the design through manufacturing flow will be significant, and will be the area that develops sooner than any other, built upon and driven by existing IPC standards, such as IPC-2581 (DPMX), IPC-2591 (CfX) and IPC-1782 internal and external (secure supply-chain) traceability. This presentation explains the IPC Digital Twin standard, using some specific use-case examples that illustrate the value and opportunity that the standard provides to both the design and manufacturing communities, exchanging digital models bidirectionally between design and manufacturing. This presentation will be of critical interest to all of those involved in design and manufacturing, including business management, engineers and technology providers.