Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education
Online courses and webinars for the printed circuit engineering community.

Current Workshops

This course is intended to provide the participant an understanding of how design issues interact with the SMT assembly processes. How design affects manufacturing capability and vice versa is...

A step-by-step guideline for determining the PCB design requirements based on device energy consumption requirements. Wave cycle times and transmission line capacity form the basis of this...

When designing a PCB, the signal routing and its return are critical to the circuit working properly. Great care is usually given to routing the signals, but often the return portion is the last...

With an estimated 80,000 SMTP lines in use standards are a lifeline for line operators and equipment and software developers worldwide. SEMI is developing a suite of standards for SMT and PCBA...

Printed Circuit University offers Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education. We offer online classes from some the top professionals in their fields

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