Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education
Online courses and webinars for the printed circuit engineering community.

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High frequency PCB designs carry a unique set of challenges due to concentration of signal power in a narrow bandwidth. To design high frequency interconnects, designers must consider an entire...

When designing a PCB, the signal routing and its return are critical to the circuit working properly. Great care is usually given to routing the signals, but often the return portion is the last...

The objective of this tutorial is to guide design teams through the process of evaluating and selecting the right laminate for a design, creating PCB stackups that meet the requirements of complex,...

Have you ever had a noise-sensitive circuit and tried to find the noise source? Even after you completely encased sensitive portions in all sorts of shielding, you still had noise? It’s very...

Printed Circuit University offers Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education. We offer online classes from some the top professionals in their fields

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